Movie Monster Wiki

The Cyrus Kriticos is an antagonist in the 2001 film, THIR13EN Ghosts.

Cyrus Kriticos gathers the 13 ghosts of the Black Zodiac to power a machine which will give him immorality and power over life and death. Within his specially designed glass mansion he traps the 13 Ghosts of the Black Zodiac with spell panels and releases them one by one to be summoned to the machine.

The Black Zodiac


The Cyrus Kriticos is the architect of the Black Zodiac. before he died cyrus was tall man in his late 60s with black hair, a salt and peppered beard and menacing expression dressed in a sleek black suit a white dress shirt,suspenders,a dark navy tie with gold flecks,black leather gloves and a black cloak dotted with white spots draped on his shoulders he also wielded a black cane with a silver line, a hidden dagger at the bottom and a gold orb on top. after getting murdered by the juggernaut the regenerating cyrus was in a sorry state having a neck wound gushing blood, a shredded tie, the neck of his dress shirt torn and soaked in blood,snapped suspenders,palish skin and messy hair

Powers and Abilities

The Cyrus Kriticos possesses the following powers and abilities:

  • Traps Ghosts
  • Manipulator


after nearly beaten his nephew half to death cyrus is picked up by the 13 ghosts and is flung screaming into the machine ripped into a million bits


cyrus was always a eccentric having a habit of speaking in riddles,owning a hight tech glass based mansion, a chain of ghost hunters, doing a will video in his dressing gown and even having his own medium named dennis who he forbidded from taking pills to ease his visions

Photo Gallery

Black Zodiac Gallery
