"I think this thing slows down after it's eaten." ― Carl explain to the survivor what he knows so far about the creature.
The Animal[]
That Thing Out There or the beasts are unknown carnivorous creatures with high appetite for flesh in the movie. There is no telling about their origin or what they are. They live and lurking deep in the woods, prey on animals and human beings in their territory. They appeared in black-gray with black eyes and three claws of their hands, standing with two legs like dogs or Velociraptors and foots like-high heel shoes. Plus, they have some furs on their backs. Their size almost normal to beefy person and similar to autrociraptors in speed and strength and the bite force alligator with night vision and natural instincts and a iq of 200 with the speed of 75 mph and a bite force of 1,500 psi with the abilities of that it hunts alone it is clever it can run fast and has insane strength and bite force with strong instincts with also the ability of stealth and speed it can run without a sound and also can sneak up on you and also run and seek behind you without you knowing about it's presence which it has that advantage that it can kill without you being aware that it is in the area that your in without you knowing about it being there and also can bite you with force stronger that an orca and has the sharpness to bite through bone and 6 inches thick of wood.
The Animal :
One was burned to death.
One was run over by a car.
One is alive in the credit scene, calling for its horde. Not sure how many of them.
- To be compared, their physical look almost similar to the beasts in Feast movies.